Ramp it up

Ramp it Up!

Created by the Diversity & Inclusion team at emap, Ramp It Up! is a not-for-profit campaign, gently encouraging venues and AV production companies to provide handrailed ramp access for free and as a standard provision at all conferences, award ceremonies and events in the UK and Ireland.

We’ve recognised that there are increasing numbers of people with severe movement impairment or limited mobility attending our events year on year, and there is so much more both event venues and AV companies can do to help them!

It shouldn’t be up to anyone who requires additional accessibility to notify venues of this beforehand – they should be able to attend safe in the knowledge that they will be able to access all areas of the event easily and comfortably.

Those holding the event shouldn’t have to bear the sometimes-huge additional cost of a handrailed ramp to meet accessibility requirements either.

Here’s what our campaign does:

– We’ll approach event venues and AV companies, encouraging them to get behind the campaign and enquiring as to whether they provide ramps with handrails at all their events, free of charge.

– We’ll work alongside all venues and AV companies that get behind Ramp It Up! by allowing them to display the Ramp It Up! Logo on their marketing materials and communications, showing they’re providing the necessary facilities.

– We’ll produce a list of all venues and AV that have signed up to the campaign to be displayed on our LinkedIn page and in our own marketing materials to show they are going above and beyond for their visitor’s accessibility.

Accessibility is a right, not a privilege.